Dualistic Unity
Authors of the world-changing book Proof That You’re God and creators of the Free Dualistic Unity Life Troubleshooter on ChatGPT, the Dualistic Unity podcast offers mind-bending conversations about existence, the experience of awareness, and reality itself. It goes beyond self-improvement, philosophy, spirituality, belief, and even modern science to explore the questions we all ask but seldom expect to answer. Through an ongoing exploration of reality, self-awareness, and interconnectedness, each episode invites listeners to dive deeper into the illusion of duality, our sense of identity, and the recognition of unity. Along the way, you’ll discover how to foster sustainable change both within yourself and in the world around you. From deep philosophical discussions to practical applications like yoga and mindfulness, and even explorations of the evolving cannabis industry’s role in well-being, the content emphasizes community, collaboration, and actions that highlight our interconnectedness. Whether you’re new to these ideas or a long-time listener, Dualistic Unity offers a unique space for exploring reality, health, and personal transformation. It is recommended that first-time listeners start with Episode 1, as many of the concepts discussed throughout the following seasons are introduced and explained therein. (Fans of non-duality or ”nondualism” will benefit especially.)

Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
S.3 Ep.3: Self-Dialogue w/ Sunny Amara
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Episode 3 is all about our relationship with the our body, our mind, our environment, each other, and reality itself. Join us for this extended discussion with special guest Sunny Amara (@sunnysdisposition on TikTok) as we explore the dangers of forgetting that our commitment to division exacerbates our conflict (impacting our ability to think clearly, self-reflect, and adapt to stress and dis-ease), and what might be possible for us in terms of healing/connection when we enthusiastically cultivate awareness, responsibility, and faith. An incredible conversation on the recognition that there is no internal or external, there is only you.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Saturday Jul 16, 2022
Roundtable #5 | Dualistic Unity
Saturday Jul 16, 2022
Saturday Jul 16, 2022
A collaborative discussion about the importance of self-compassion on the journey of personal growth. Joined by special guests Madison (Madi) Doyle and Joshua Riggs, our fifth roundtable episode explores the topics of mental health, fitting in, having direction, dealing with emotions, societal norms, psychedelics, remembering what life is worth living for, and more.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
S.3 Ep.4: A New Paradigm of Sanity
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Episode 4 is all about our changing view of reality, our potential as it's awareness, and the inevitable collective shift in our perception of sanity. An extended deep-dive on existence itself and the possible implications of our imagination, join us as we further explore the path to unlocking our limitlessness through enthusiastically questioning habitual assumptions and narratives that once seemed incontrovertible. Topics include (but are not limited to) mental health, communication, miracles, masking, community, societal change, psychedelics, love, clarity, ignorance, and juggling with no hands.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
S.3 Ep.5: Questions and Change w/ Jenni Johnson
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
What is the impact of our need control and the illusion/perception of lack that drives it? What could be possible without the distortion of that confusion? Join us, and special guest Jenni Johnson (@thejennijohnson on TikTok), as we discuss the difference between making change and being change. Topics in this fantastic episode include (but are not limited to): the Bible, historical male egotism, Jesus, surrendering identity, being in the moment, letting go of judgment, authentic relationships, need, codependency, manipulation, fulfillment, and the importance of allowing the universe to work through you (as you).
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
S.3 Ep.6: Awareness & Sensitivity w/ Logan DeHamer
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Episode 6 is an exploration of body awareness (both individual and collective), it's impact on the process of healing, and it's influence on our quality of life from moment to moment. Join us, and our special guest Logan DeHamer (@LogeytheYogi on TikTok), for a fascinating discussion on flow-state, the influence of authenticity, the unknowable ripples of our intentions, the "invisible audience", learning through the roller coaster of experience, the mystery of interest, the nature of will, and much more.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
S.3 Ep.7: Relationship and Accountability w/ Nick Achille
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Episode 7 is all about our relationship with and as what is. Special guest Nick Achille (@TheBaldSage) of Balance Period joins us for this in-depth and nuanced exploration of our how our self-perception, self-dialogue, and self-honesty influence our own experience and the world as a whole. Topics in this fantastic discussion include (but are not limited to) labels and the limits they reinforce, the difference between masculine and feminine energy, the mirror of "other people", the ethics of ghosting, the consequences of attachment, the impact of being clarity, dealing with suicidal thoughts (in oneself or a partner), and more.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Community Topics #1: The Alter Ego & Karma
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
The very first episode of our new series, join us as we specifically explore two topics that were requested and voted on by the incredible members of our Discord and Patreon page: (1) The "alter ego" and (2) karma. Note: Familiarity with Season 1 is highly recommended.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Monday Aug 15, 2022
Roundtable #6 | Dualistic Unity
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Our sixth roundtable episode is all about mental health and the importance of being the change we want to see in the world. Join us and two extremely special guests (long-time friends of the show Dr. Susan Hannan and Melissa Davies) as we explore the nature of trauma, the role of identity as a defense mechanism, the gravity of authenticity, and the power of presence in a relationship (therapeutic or otherwise).
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
S.3 Ep.8: Love and Surrender
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
An episode about the challenges of surrendering the familiar, deepening our experience of what is, further developing our capacity to embody unity in every moment, and maintaining equilibrium through the process of establishing greater sensitivity via willing and enthusiastic vulnerability.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Community Topics #2: Questioning and Artificial Intelligence
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
The second episode of our Community series, join us as we specifically explore two topics that were requested and voted on by the incredible members of our Discord and Patreon page: (1) How to question your beliefs & opinions as they come up, and (2) artificial intelligence.
Note: Familiarity with Season 1 is highly recommended.
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