Dualistic Unity

Thursday Nov 10, 2022
S.3 Ep.19: Staying Grounded, Here and Now w/ Fauxtivational Speaker
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Our last episode before the first Dualistic Unity retreat, this incredible discussion features social media creator and host of the Daily Fauxtivation podcast, David (the one and only @fauxtivational_speaker on TikTok). An in-depth exploration of the ongoing journey of self-awareness, join us as we enthusiastically discuss the natural process of oscillating in and out of egotistical cycles, the importance of trying to recognize those cycles without judgment, and the counter-productive temptation to take ourselves too seriously as we "progress". Ideal for anyone on the path of self-responsibility, don't miss this insightful and enjoyable conversation about the power of honest self-reflection, the beauty of relationship, the value of intention, the reality of faith, and so much more.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Thursday Dec 15, 2022
S.4 Ep.2: The Practice of Growth w/ Mila Holmes
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Our second episode of Season 4 features social media manager and content creator Mila Holmes and focuses on the practice/lesson/path of growth, self-reflection, and a deepening appreciation of reality. From homeschooling to entrepreneurship to her excommunication from the Jehovah's Witnesses, Mila shares the incredible experiences that have led to her passion, perseverance, empathy, curiousity, and sense of enthusiastic self-responsibility. The discussion continues on into deeper territory, exploring the concept of God, it's relationship to the reality of our own existence, the danger of belief, psychedelics, the importance of connection, and much more. Don't miss this epic episode.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
S.4 Ep.3: The Magic of Faith and Freedom w/ Lisa Ann
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Episode 3 features the one and only Lisa Ann (host of both The Real Lisa Ann Experience & the Dudes Do Better podcast) in an in-depth discussion about the challenge and joy of living your life for you. Join us as we discuss her incredible journey, the harrowing experience that inspired her second book ("The Life Back"), the process of re-prioritizing her life that followed, the reaction of others, and how it helped shape her current endeavors for encouraging and embodying positive change. Don't miss this truly enjoyable and insightful discussion about the value of suffering, the lessons hidden within the darkness of feeling isolated and afraid, the true meaning of faith, the power of minimalism, the importance of sharing our struggles honestly, and the magic of enthusiastically embracing uncertainty.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
S.4 Ep.5: Creating Something Different w/ Amanda Von Hera
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Episode 5 features our dear friend, a long-time member of the DU community and a vital member of the DU Team itself, Amanda Von Hera! An opportunity to better understand her passion and empathy, join us as we learn more about the details of her challenging path through betrayal and isolation, the lessons of self-responsible perseverance that followed, her process of recognizing unresolved feelings and unraveling inherited narratives that lurked beneath the surface, and the incredible experience of freedom and strength that she's created and continues to cultivate through acceptance, faith, and willing vulnerability. Don't miss this fun and open discussion about transformation, the value of past hardship, and the potential we all create through our willingness to allow change and see ourselves in others.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
S.4 Ep.7: Live For You w/ Shaun T
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Episode 7 is a celebration of liberation and growth. Joined by the one and only Shaun T (author, coach, and host of the "Trust and Believe with Shaun T" podcast), this incredible discussion focuses on the importance of not living in a conceptual box of false certainty and the freedom that lies beyond its walls. A fun and insightful conversation about Shaun's journey, the lessons he's learned along the way, the life he continues to create for himself due to his passion for change, and how we can all share in the experience of uplifting the world by simply being our authentic selves. Topics discussed include love, life, relationships, coaching, growth, spirituality, and much more.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Monday Jan 23, 2023
S.4 Ep.8: Being Home w/ Quinn XCII
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
An exciting discussion about moving forward without needing a destination, Episode 8 features our special guest Mikael Temrowski (singer, songwriter, and musician "Quinn XCII"). Join us as we discuss Mike's journey, the inspiration behind some of his music (and upcoming 5th album), the insights he continues to develop daily, and the change he embodies in doing so. Don't miss this fun yet transformative episode wherein we all reflect on the importance of remembering to allow our vast potential to unfold by simply being what we are, here and now.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
S.4 Ep.9: The Courage to Be w/ Scott Gazzoli
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Episode 9 features long-time friend Scott Gazzoli (host of the Causing the Effect podcast) and is all about faith and courage as we oscillate in and out of clarity through the process of our growing awareness. A fun and down-to-earth discussion about embracing the process of revealing what we already are in preparation for the moments wherein we realize that's all we have, the dangers of pursuing self-improvement rather than opportunities for self-expression, and the importance of recognizing that freedom isn't the absence of ego but the continuous acceptance of it's limited and divisive nature with awareness and empathy. Topics include (but are not limited to) alcohol, psychedelics, synchronicity, insight, and much more.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
S.4 Ep.11: The Base of Being w/ Paige Randall
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
An intensely interesting discussion on being grounded in reality by surrendering our attachment to the illusion of certainty. Join us as we catch up with our brilliant and inspiring friend Paige Randall (previously our guest on Roundtable #7) to chat about her recent adventures, insights, and the courage she embodies moving forward in every moment and choice. Ideal for anyone still thinking that enlightenment is an end point to be reached or achieved, don't miss this incredible celebration of the unknown and exploration of our limitless potential in embracing it.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
S.4 Ep.12: A Vessel for the Work w/ Ben Stewart (Slowly Slowly)
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Inspired by the incredible song "God," we reached out to songwriter and lead vocalist Ben Stewart (Slowly Slowly) to get deeper into the mentality, process, and insight that brought it into being. Join us as Ben shares some of his journey with us, his evolving view of existence, and those that inspire and support him. Don't miss this profound and exciting discussion on the beauty of unrushed organic growth, the importance of doing what you love, the reality of being yourself, and the glimpses of unity that reveal themselves in doing so.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
S.4 Ep.13: The Next Step w/ Ariel June
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Episode 13 features our friend and previous guest, Ariel June (Intuitive Alignment Coach and co-host of the "Do You Have Space?" podcast). Having covered so much ground in our original discussion (Season 2, Episode 11), we wasted no time getting to the important question we all ask ourselves once we realize that there is more to life than the carrot-and-stick mentality; What do I do now? Join us for this enjoyable and profound discussion on the importance of community as a conduit for individual and collective growth, the transformative power of responsibility, the danger of mistaking responsibility for fault, the challenge of choosing a direction in a state of freedom, the connection between self-awareness and the reality of purpose, and much more.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!