Dualistic Unity

Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
S.4 Ep.14: Beyond Meditation w/ Alexandra
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Episode 14 features our friend, previous roundtable guest, and valued member of the Dualistic Unity community, Alexandra! A refreshingly straightforward discussion on the path of maturity, the danger of wearing rose-colored glasses, the importance of both ends of our experiential spectrum, the role of our ego, and the value of imbalance on the journey to understanding balance. A deep dive into the concept/practice of meditation versus the reality of freedom beyond the internal and external perspective, don't miss this intensely exciting conversation about the far end of spiritualism, the space that lies beyond it, and the recognition that you will always be what is, here and now. Nothing will make you more so.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
S.4 Ep.16: The Light w/ Anastasia Rjanov
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
A celebration of “the light” with our friend Anastasia Rjanov (social media creator @iamnotaenastaysch and host of the InSanity Youtube Channel), Episode 16 is all about the power of enthusiasm and play. Join us as she shares some of her journey, her childhood recognition that reality is not as it seems, the lingering feeling of that recognition as she entered the world of marketing, and the freedom she inevitably returned to through embracing that she is not "Anastasia" at all and never truly was. Don’t miss this fun and insightful conversation on the nature of reality, the weight of our ego, and what it means to be a light unto yourself.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
S.4 Ep.20: Amanita Muscaria
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Episode 20 features social media creator Amanita Dreamer, and is all about her own journey through anxiety, depression, and pharmaceuticals to eventually discovering and researching the fascinating Amanita Muscaria mushroom. Join us as we discuss some of the subjective differences between psilocybin and muscomal/ibutenic acid, some of the dangers and considerations, the potential efficacy regarding treatment for mental health, the importance of further research, and more.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Thursday May 18, 2023
S.5 Ep.2: An Act of Completion w/ Seye Kuyinu
Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
Episode 2 is all about alignment with/as what is and features our special guest (coach, public speaker, musician, author, artist, and story alchemist) Seye Kuyinu. Join us as we learn about Seye's incredible journey out of software development, willingly embracing new challenges every step of the way, into a radically different perspective, country, and way of life. A fun and insightful discussion ranging from common issues like anxiety and overthinking to deeper realizations about free will, love, god, and the power of truly listening. Don’t miss it.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Thursday May 25, 2023
S.5 Ep.3: The Fire of Curiosity w/ Tristin Rivera
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
Episode 3 features friend and community member Tristin Rivera! Join us as he shares some of the details from his path through spirituality and the lessons he's learned about discerning belief from reality. A fun and inspiring discussion about getting caught up in the "should's", the power of responsible self-reflection, the limitations of a guru, and the realization that the most important part of your existence is you and the enthusiastic curiosity that drives you.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Friday Jul 21, 2023
S.5 Ep.7: The Benefits w/ Rainer
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Episode 7 is all about the description versus the described. Our good friend and valued community member Rainer joins us to discuss his recent experience at a Dualistic Unity retreat, his journey along the winding path of perception, and the importance of experience. Don't miss this intensely interesting conversation about the influence of attention, the danger of attaching to insight, the pointlessness of self-doubt and expectation, the power of simply moving forward, the nature of love, the strength of our community, and much more.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon! (Free Trial Now Available)

Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Being High w/ Dualistic Unity feat. Jon Kelley of KAVVA Brand Edibles
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
The very first episode of Being High features special guest Jon Kelley of KAVVA Brand Edibles. Join us for this fun and informative discussion on KAVVA itself, what makes a high quality gummy, the stigma of cannabis use, the obvious benefits to our physical and mental health, Andrew's recent experience running with KAVVA edibles, and more.
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Sunday Jul 30, 2023
Being High w/ Dualistic Unity feat. Oran Allen of CuraLeaf
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
The second episode of Being High features special guest Oran Allen. Join us for this enthusiastic celebration of the cannabis plant, the lesson it teaches us, the community, the importance of education, and the ongoing efforts to sway government regulations. An exciting interview you won't want to miss.

Monday Aug 14, 2023
S.5 Ep.8: Through Fire w/ Daisy Ford
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Episode 8 features our long-time friend and co-host of the Life Unpotted podcast, Daisy Ford! Join us as she shares some of her journey to becoming a podcast host, the lessons she's learned about self-acceptance along the way, the ever-changing challenge of expression, and the freedom that's learned from embracing "the fire" of change. A refreshingly direct discussion about societal conditioning, the importance of responsibility, the temptation to rely on the assumptions of others, the secret beauty behind our insecurity, the joy of seeing discomfort as a necessary catalyst rather than something to be avoided, and much more.
The Life Unpotted Website: https://www.livelifeunpotted.com/
The Life Unpotted Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifeunpotted/
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon! (Free Trial Now Available)

Monday Aug 21, 2023
S.5 Ep.9: The Magic of Self-Determinism w/ Quinn Hunchar
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
This episode is all about change, courage, and growth. Join us as we sit down with our guest Quinn Hunchar to discuss her experiences as a young performer, the influences that led her to that path, the necessity of stepping away for a period of self-reflection and growth, the challenge of blazing your own trail, and the power of responsible self-determinism. Likewise, we discuss the movie Ink (which we've reviewed!), it's profound insights and Quinn's reflections on its impact both then and now. Topics in this episode include (but are not limited to) creativity, resilience, identity, psychedelics, empathy, judgment, conquering the fear of being seen, making the most of every moment, and more.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon! (Free Trial Now Available)