Dualistic Unity

Monday Jun 05, 2023
S.5 Ep.5: Q’s
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Episode 5 is inspired by the Questions of our audience and community members. An exercise in exploration, join us as we see we discuss the nature of ambition, the source of insight, the changing discussion in science regarding awareness, the origin of Dualistic Unity and everything, the subjective experience of Salvinorin A, the benefits and consequences of habit and routine, the impact of need in social situations, the reality of mastery, a fun movie idea, the reason for our collective avoidance of "god", and more.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon! (Free Trial Now Available)

Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
S.5 Ep.6: A Fountain of Intelligent Potential
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
In Episode 6 we re-assess the journey entirely. An exploration of deeper perspectives, join us as we discuss the true nature of our previous challenges, the unnoticed lessons within them, and what "progress" really means. A more nuanced look at the core of our previous discussions, topics in this episode include (but are not limited to) the observer/observed relationship, the development of sensitivity, the recognition of "timing" and "alignment", the distortion of perception, and much much more. Familiarity with Season 1 and Season 2 is highly recommended.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon! (Free Trial Now Available)

Friday Jul 21, 2023
S.5 Ep.7: The Benefits w/ Rainer
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Episode 7 is all about the description versus the described. Our good friend and valued community member Rainer joins us to discuss his recent experience at a Dualistic Unity retreat, his journey along the winding path of perception, and the importance of experience. Don't miss this intensely interesting conversation about the influence of attention, the danger of attaching to insight, the pointlessness of self-doubt and expectation, the power of simply moving forward, the nature of love, the strength of our community, and much more.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon! (Free Trial Now Available)

Monday Aug 14, 2023
S.5 Ep.8: Through Fire w/ Daisy Ford
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Episode 8 features our long-time friend and co-host of the Life Unpotted podcast, Daisy Ford! Join us as she shares some of her journey to becoming a podcast host, the lessons she's learned about self-acceptance along the way, the ever-changing challenge of expression, and the freedom that's learned from embracing "the fire" of change. A refreshingly direct discussion about societal conditioning, the importance of responsibility, the temptation to rely on the assumptions of others, the secret beauty behind our insecurity, the joy of seeing discomfort as a necessary catalyst rather than something to be avoided, and much more.
The Life Unpotted Website: https://www.livelifeunpotted.com/
The Life Unpotted Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifeunpotted/
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon! (Free Trial Now Available)

Monday Aug 21, 2023
S.5 Ep.9: The Magic of Self-Determinism w/ Quinn Hunchar
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
This episode is all about change, courage, and growth. Join us as we sit down with our guest Quinn Hunchar to discuss her experiences as a young performer, the influences that led her to that path, the necessity of stepping away for a period of self-reflection and growth, the challenge of blazing your own trail, and the power of responsible self-determinism. Likewise, we discuss the movie Ink (which we've reviewed!), it's profound insights and Quinn's reflections on its impact both then and now. Topics in this episode include (but are not limited to) creativity, resilience, identity, psychedelics, empathy, judgment, conquering the fear of being seen, making the most of every moment, and more.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon! (Free Trial Now Available)

Thursday Sep 07, 2023
S.5 Ep.10: Where the Words Come From w/ Susan Hannan
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Episode 10 features our long-time friend, clinical psychologist and assistant professor Susan Hannan. An incredible discussion about the limitations of discussion itself, join us as we explore the transformative power of recognizing there is no "other". A deep-dive on the importance of living for oneself, don't miss this fun and insightful chat on the danger of concepts, the limitless perceptions of each moment, the absurdity of religion, the consequence of overinvesting in opinion, the benefits of willingly throwing yourself into the unknown, and much more.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon! (Free Trial Now Available)

Monday Sep 11, 2023
S.5 Ep.11: Embracing Yourself
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Episode 11 is all incredibly fun and emotional conversation live from our 5th retreat! Strongly influenced by everyone who joined us, this episode digs into the realization of uncertainty and just how alone we are in our perspective. Join us as we discuss how when you realize you’re always doing it, being yourself, there isn’t so much of a need to ask how it’s going or attempt to measure your progress. We also cover the letting go of false certainty, capitalism, the dreamlike nature of uncertainty, the gravity of being willing to just be yourself, and more!
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon! (Free Trial Now Available)

Monday Sep 25, 2023
S.5 Ep.12: A Relationship with Yourself
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Episode 12 is all about the experience of relationship, the temptation to comfort oneself through attachment, and the freedom that lies beyond the discomfort of letting those attachments go. Join us for an in-depth discussion on connection, fear, growth, and the danger of prioritizing a conceptual relationship over the ongoing well-being of its participants. A subject we can all relate to, don't miss this sincere and open discussion about the reality of love, the perception of loss, and the importance of knowing that our relationship with "others" will always be influenced by our relationship with ourselves.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon! (Free Trial Now Available)

Sunday Oct 01, 2023
S.5 Ep.13: God Mode w/ Javier ”Chicharito” Hernández
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Episode 13 is all about mastering flow-state and features our friend, professional footballer, and captain of the LA Galaxy soccer club, Javier "Chicharito" Hernández. A fantastic discussion about the importance of letting go and embracing each experience, join us as Javier shares some of the challenges he's faced both on and off the field, some of the insights he's learned along the way, and why he views the process of recovering from his recent ACL injury as an opportunity for further growth and a chance to deepen his self-awareness. Further, the conversation continues into the subjective experience, exploring our role as the awareness of the universe and the key to tapping into flow-state or "God Mode" in all of our endeavors.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon! (Free Trial Now Available)

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
S.5 Ep.14: Letting Go of the Question
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Recorded Live, Episode 14 is an expression in self-acceptance. Join us as we explore the difference between being intelligence or being intelligent, the potential of truly being what you are, and the cost of self-judgment. Further, we explore the obvious flaws of our schooling system, the cycle of conditioning it perpetuates and stems from, and the reason it's rarely questioned. Concluding with a contemplative dive into the realms of existence, perception, and the underlying concept of unity, this discussion promises to challenge the listener as well as the hosts.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon! (Free Trial Now Available)