Dualistic Unity

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
S.3 Ep.7: Relationship and Accountability w/ Nick Achille
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Episode 7 is all about our relationship with and as what is. Special guest Nick Achille (@TheBaldSage) of Balance Period joins us for this in-depth and nuanced exploration of our how our self-perception, self-dialogue, and self-honesty influence our own experience and the world as a whole. Topics in this fantastic discussion include (but are not limited to) labels and the limits they reinforce, the difference between masculine and feminine energy, the mirror of "other people", the ethics of ghosting, the consequences of attachment, the impact of being clarity, dealing with suicidal thoughts (in oneself or a partner), and more.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
S.3 Ep.8: Love and Surrender
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
An episode about the challenges of surrendering the familiar, deepening our experience of what is, further developing our capacity to embody unity in every moment, and maintaining equilibrium through the process of establishing greater sensitivity via willing and enthusiastic vulnerability.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Monday Aug 29, 2022
S.3 Ep.9: Fundamental Selfishness
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Episode 9 is all about "selfishness", the journey of ego development, the process of raising our awareness, and the necessity of self-responsibility in the uncertain experience of reality. Join us as we discuss the importance of every moment, your fundamental role as existence itself, and the gravity of your ongoing influence on the direction of our collective path. Topics in this episode include (but are not limited to): authenticity, intention, the growth of our community, relationships, the system, censorship, Andrew Tate, and more.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
S.3 Ep.10: Expressing Intelligence w/ Cameron Rosin
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Episode 10 features special guest Cameron Rosin (Host of the "This Might be Helpful" podcast and @CameronRosin on Instagram/TikTok). Join us for a brilliant discussion about the insights he's uncovered on his own journey, the importance of each choice and experience (regardless of our opinion), the temptation to attach to a fictional narrative/identity, the therapeutic impact of terpenes on our awareness, the ever-present connection between the observer and the observed, and the danger of aspiring to and settling on being a "guru" or spiritual teacher.
Topics include (but are not limited to) the potential of neutrality, the value of surrender, the unnoticed redefinition of "belief", the needless weight of self-image, the nature of religion as a flawed structure created to avoid the reality of uncertainty and confusion, the limits of a conceptual god, the illusion of self-image, the profound transformative power of enjoying the scenery, and much more.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
S.3 Ep.11: Transformation and the Subconscious w/ Farrah Dyer
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Episode 11 features special guest Farrah Dyer! An episode we've been excited to share with you, join us as we discuss Farrah's extraordinary journey so far, the insights and strengths that her challenges have revealed, and the impact of her current work as a subconscious mind whisperer and hypnotherapist. An in-depth and enjoyable exploration of the nature of fear, the fragility of identity, the false promises of the pharmaceutical industry, the process of growth through adversity, the cultivation of intuition, the ambiguity of learning from or dealing with stress, the development of emotional self-regulation, and much much more.
This is not an episode you'll want to miss.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
S.3 Ep.12: Change and Intention w/ Eric Abrons
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Our friend Eric Abrons returns to the show to discuss the changes he's experienced since his last guest appearance (on Episode 5 of Season 1) and the insights those changes have inspired. Join us for this exciting straight-forward discussion on the the importance of being receptive to opportunities in every moment, the tricky balance between ambition and acceptance, the difference between spiritual concepts and the genuine recognition of unity, the importance of recognizing that the struggle through confusion is as valuable as the clarity it leads us to, the cultivation of flow-state, and the root of our collective conflict (with one another and reality itself).
Enter our contest for Free DU Merch: https://dualisticunity.com/favorite-quote-contest/
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
S.3 Ep.13: Arrival and Facilitation w/ Mimi Stiles
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
A discussion about the ebb and flow of experience and the cultivation of relationship. Join us and our special guest Mimi Stiles (life coach and host of the "Come as You Are" podcast) as we discuss her courageous journey into the world of coaching, the struggles that have informed her growth, and her ongoing desire to encourage the limitless potential in all of us. Topics in this episode include (but are not limited to) manifestation, toxic spirituality, feeling overwhelmed, learning grace, using our triggers as opportunities, the root of our desire for certainty, the importance of developing faith in yourself, the influence of selflessness, and more. This episode is highly recommended for anyone on the path, or considering the path, of "coaching" and/or mentorship.
Enter our contest for Free DU Merch: https://dualisticunity.com/favorite-quote-contest/
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
S.3 Ep.14: Passion and Empathy w/ Spencer Gale
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Episode 14 is all about the importance of passion for the journey of self-discovery. Join us for this inspiring discussion with creator Spencer Gale (@my2spence) about his own experience "awakening" to the reality of freedom as a 17 year old social media influencer in a society wherein identity-based suffering (anxiety, depression, suicide ideation, etc) is perpetuated as the norm, and the ongoing process of surrendering to his own growing awareness. A conversation about the power of empathy, the value of our trauma, and the unifying impact of sharing the strength we develop with others who have yet to find their own, this episode will be especially interesting for aspiring creators, artists, and coaches/healers of any age.
Enter our contest for Free DU Merch: https://dualisticunity.com/favorite-quote-contest/
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
S.3 Ep.15: Ripples and Fluidity w/ Timm Chiusano
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
An in-depth conversation about personal and collective change, episode 15 features special guest Timm Chiusano. Husband, father, full-time corporate executive, and popular TikTok creator, Timm shares some of the insights he's discovered in his own life regarding the potential in allowing ones path to wind organically, the importance of being authentically uncertain, and the incredible impact of enthusiastic commitment to each experience as an opportunity for growth and change. A fantastic one-hour discussion about transformative power of recognizing that we are all ripples on the same pond, that our ripples are always connected, and that the pond changes as we do.
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
S.3 Ep.16: Darkness and Light
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
A conversation about selfish ill-intention and those who would do us harm, episode 16 explores the balance between recognizing unity and responding to division. Join us as we discuss the reality of danger, the hardest part of empathy, the nature of our inner darkness, and what it means to be a light unto ourselves. Topics include the toxicity of unchecked ego, the limitation of morality, the temptation of self-deception, the acceptance of freedom, the importance of challenge, and more...
Join us for live group discussions every week on Patreon!